Buy one Pair get second Pair ½ Price
16/03/2017We do not offer fake deals. Our policy is to ensure you are fully informed of all the options available to you, one of them being – buy one pair and get the second pair half price.
While other places pretend to offer second pair free – we believe this is unfair to you and limits your choice. Aarons can offer a complete pair of Varifocal Spectacles from £55. If you would like a second pair, then these would be an extra £27.50, giving a total spend of £82.50. We could say (2 x Pairs of Spectacles for only £82.50), but this is forcing you into purchasing a second pair, when you may only want one, so why be forced into buying two.
You can always come back within a 3 month period and buy the second pair (should you wish), so take one pair, and come back if required.
We also offer the second pair (as we do the first pair) from our entire spectacle range, you are not limited or made to pick from a cheaper, less attractive selection. Your choice, your selection from the entire practice stock. The less expensive is half price.