Morpeth Lions Club thank Aarons for continued support
09/10/2017“For a number of years Morpeth Lions Club have collected unwanted spectacles. These are sent to a sorting centre where they are graded and then sent on to clinics in developing countries where they are given to the local people who would otherwise be unable to afford them.
A major source for spectacles is Aaron Optometrists in Ashington. In recognition of their contributions, a Certificate of Appreciation was recently presented to Optometrist Dr Peter Frampton by Lion President Margaret Trewick. In thanking Peter and his team, Margaret emphasised the value of these donations. Peter replied saying ‘It is a wonderful thing that the Lions do this as part of their on-going Sight Programme. Not only is this a great example of recycling, it enhances the quality of life of those receiving the spectacles, who without doubt have experienced many difficulties in their daily lives through not being able to see properly.’”