Updated: Covid-19 – Questions You May Have
05/01/2021We are keen to make you all aware of our policies and procedures vis-a-vis Covid-19. Today, we are answering your Covid-19 questions, so you can refer back to this blog post whenever you are feeling uncertain.
Covid-19 questions updated: 15.01.2021
Are you open?
Yes. We have remained open throughout Lockdown and we are now entering the final stage of returning to normal as we are now able to carry out routine examinations. We are always available for phone consultations and enquiries. Please contact us before travelling to practice as we may be able to resolve issues via telephone or email and some visits will require an allotted amount of time.
How do I contact you?
The same way as usual on 01670 813185 or via our website.
Contact Lenses
Can I order contact lenses and solutions?
How would I be able to order the above?
Please visit the contact lens & solutions page on this website to order. We can dispatch direct from the manufacturer to you. If you are having any troubles accessing this, please leave us a message via the website or email [email protected]
How can I collect my contact lenses?
Many patients have their lenses posted to them automatically and there is no disruption to this service.
For those who normally collect their consignment from the practice this can also continue as normal. We are trying to have as many consignments posted to patient’s home addresses. However, on the occasion where this is not possible, we will notify you when the contacts arrive, at which point you can opt to collect or we can also post the lenses to you.
Infrequent wearers can also continue to self-trigger their lenses, either by contacting the practice or via our website.
What if my contact lenses are not due but I seem to be running low?
If you are worried about running low on contact lenses, please contact us and we will organise emergency supplies while your consigment is in transit.
I know I’m out of date with my aftercare, can I still order?
Yes, under these extreme circumstances we have been provided with flexibility, to consider your health interests.
Can I still recycle my contact lenses?
Of course. Just as you normally would – store your lenses and packaging and bring them once you feel able to do so and normal trading resumes.
My spectacles are broken, can these be fixed?
We will do our best as it depends on the type of damage. We would urge you to call us prior to your visit to us where we may request an image of the breakage and advise of the best action to take.
Can I still collect my spectacles?
Yes, although it is advised you call us in advance to arrange a specific time to do so. If you are worried about visiting us, we can have them posted or delivered to you.
Can I order a new pair of spectacles?
We are able to provide spectacles and allow dispensing. Please contact us prior to your visit for more details to ensure safe social distancing.
What if my eye is sore?
This could be classed as an emergency and we would recommend the Medical Optometrist take a consultation via telephone. If the symptoms appear to be a concern, we will examine and treat accordingly within the practice. Our goal is to avoid unnecessary hospital appointments and therefore free the NHS of vital work.
I usually see a different Optometrist, could I come to you if I have a problem?
Yes. As Medical Optometrists we are open to all acute eye emergencies. As these appointments are not funded by the NHS there would be a charge.